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How Do You See Yourself?

By | Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Training | No Comments

Everything in our lives is largely created by the subconscious mind in the way that we view our life and the way that we think our life should be. In terms of actions and results, at least 90% of it all stems from our subconscious mind directing us in our day-to-day lives.

So the question is how do you see yourself? Lets uncover a few basic areas of life that most people value the most first and answer them so that you understand where you are at right now!

Just close your eyes and see what mental pictures come to your mind when you ask your subconscious mind the following questions… and be sure to write your answers down on a piece of paper straight away.

How do I see my current life?
Am I living life at my highest potential? When looking at myself from my subconscious mind, how do I look:
(E.g. Do I look healthy and strong… or weak and unhealthy)

(E.g. Am I mentally stable and happy… or depressed and down)

(E.g. On a daily basis do I feel positive or negative emotions?)

( E.g. Am I at one with my creator or do I feel helpless and alone)

Am I successful in Life?
(E.g. Success means that you complete what you set out to accomplish)

What do the relationships in my life look like? 

(E.g. Do you see an abundance of fulfilling relationships full of love and happiness with your spouse, friends and family or do you feel lower emotions such as loneliness, anger and anxiety?)
Once in the meditative state you can ask your subconscious mind any questions that you want. Pay close attention to the mental pictures that appear in your mind and write them down quickly.
Next review your answers with the mental pictures that came to mind… If this mental picture and vision is not the vision that you intend to be, do or have in the future, then it’s a must that you mentally change that vision now to seeing yourself at your absolute best.

Every day when you wake up and every night before you fall asleep – picture yourself at your absolute best. This mental training rewires your subconscious mind and implants over time the vision of you living at your best.

The subconscious mind is like an iceberg, not the small part sticking out the top of the water, the big part engulfing that huge space below the seas surface.
When we tap into the subconscious mind, greater things happen at a faster rate.
Your habits are formed in your subconscious mind and your beliefs, which are directing you through your life like a road map.
The good news is that everything can be changed with dedication. As humans we have dominion over how we think and feel.  If we are strong enough mentally to practice and develop the art of meditation and tapping into our inner guidance system, we can learn to direct our life in the direction that we wish to go.
Just remember that no one is going to do the practice and mindset work for you… You have to develop this mental strength and being able to look at your life objectively by being dedicated to your development.
At every moment you are able to respond or react, directing your life in the direction that you wish to go by focusing on and holding the thoughts that empower you.
Each and every moment before we decide there is the split decision in which way we choose to go.  At these moments it’s like you’re taking the steering wheel of your car and turning it in the direction you wish to go.
Never underestimate and think that you don’t have the power to direct your life and the way in life you wish to go, because each and every one of us is the master of our own destiny.
Written by Shea Webb

How To Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet

By | Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Training | No Comments

We hope that you have been well and that you’ve had a wonderful Christmas and start to the New Year!

The beginning of the New Year is the perfect time to refresh our goals and to envision the person we want to become and the things we aim to accomplish.

We believe in setting new goals all throughout the year, but there is something so fresh about the beginning of a brand new year to set some new intentions isn’t there?

So if you haven’t already done so, let’s put pen to paper and state your claim – write down the things you will achieve and the person you will become. Every positive action generates more positive reactions.

Are you going to thrive or just survive in 2017

Our mind controls our body and the clearer our mind, the clearer our goals are. When your mind is in good shape our life is in good shape. With research showing that daily exercise has been on par with taking daily anti-depressants, daily physical activity is the key to making 2017 your best year yet.

Simple things like going for a daily walk if you have never tried it before can give you a massive boost. Research has also shown that the more intensely we train, the more endorphin’s we release and the better we feel.

Nutrition and our daily diet play another massive part in our mental outlook on life. With so many foods these days being pumped full of refined sugars, oils, preservatives and additives which not only affect our waistlines but generally mess with our moods; from the spike in insulin from the refined sugars to the crashes; we feel good one minute and then down the next.

We advise keeping a balance diet of 90/10 – eating good 90% of the time and then having a few cheat meals throughout the week 10% of the time to keep the balance. For example if you are going to a birthday party you could have some cake or pizza etc without feeling bad.

The next level with Nutrition is replacing your unhealthy ‘cheat’ meals with healthy alternatives like organic popcorn instead of processed chips, fresh gourmet pizzas loaded with veggies and unprocessed meats instead of fast food pizza’s with processed meats and minimal vegetables.

Remember the more healthily you eat, the more your taste buds change and adapt and you begin to enjoy eating a nutritious diet more, and gradually find that you don’t enjoy having the sugar and processed foods as much any more.

You have probably heard us talk about this at Boot Camp and Training – you are either on the ‘Upward Spiral’ or the ‘Downward Slide’.

It takes just a bit more effort to stay on track and be on the ‘Upward Spiral’ but the rewards are well worth it!


“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of” – Bruce Lee


If you are looking for that extra boost to help you achieve your goals in 2017 then we are here to help you – feel free to send us a message or give us a call today!


We are just finalising the last 3 spots for our Cornubia Boot Camp starting next week [registration closes Friday 5pm unless booked out prior], and our Gold Coast Boot Camp is also starting just a few weeks away.



We have lots of exciting things planned for this year (including our brand new members area of our website to be revealed any day now, so stay tuned) and we are so excited to help all of our members make 2017 your best year yet!



Hot Tips For The Festive Season

By | Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation | No Comments

Here are a few quick tips to help you stay on track over the festive season:

Allow your body time to relax. For many of us, it is a time of year that can wind up becoming very stressful. With Christmas shopping, extra food preparation, and extra get togethers with friends and relatives, unless we have extra time off from work and our usual commitments, all of this can become very tiring and taxing on our nervous system. Add to that a little extra alcohol and treats that we wouldn’t normally eat, which deplete our body of nutrients and you have a recipe for exhaustion!

So if we could give you one simple hot tip to help you stay calm and centred over the Christmas festive season, it would be this:

Remember to breathe.

So often it is the little things that we forget, we rush around and forget to breathe deeply, and when we stop and pay attention we realise that we are ‘shallow breathing’ which can have a detrimental effect on our nervous system.

So go on and take a nice big breath in… inhale… and out… exhale…

…Repeat this 5-10 times and notice how different and re-energised you feel…

This will help you stay calm and relaxed, so that you remember to make healthy choices for your mind, body and spirit, in the ‘silly season’.

Drink Lots of Water!

It is easy to do, but also easy not to do – and that is drink more water!

When we are busy rushing around and have a lot on our mind, sometimes we forget to drink the good stuff.

Keep a bottle with you, at your desk, in your car, on your kitchen bench top, and remember to drink at least 1-2L per day to stay hydrated. This will help your body detoxify from any extra ‘treats’ you may indulge in, or other beverages that you would not normally be drinking 😉

If you are celebrating with an alcoholic beverage or two, make sure you alternate 1:1 drink of water to help flush through your system.

Create Healthy Delicious Treats

Do you need to ‘bring a plate’ to a celebration or function? Bring something healthy so that you can be guaranteed that there is going to be something on offer that won’t de-rail your results.

Think organic chocolate balls, fruit platters, delicious fresh pestos with veggie sticks – keep an eye out on our website over the coming weeks for more ideas and inspiration.

If you are taking time off to relax and unwind, make sure you have plenty of delicious healthy alternatives available so that you don’t feel deprived.

Get enough sleep

Make sure that you allow your body time to rest and get plenty of sleep. You have been working hard all year and for many of you it has been a tough year. If you have extra time off make sure you allow some time for quality R&R and allow your body time to rest and recover ready for an awesome year ahead in 2017!


Swapping Motivation for Momentum

By | Boot Camps, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Personal Training, Training | No Comments


Often we look for motivation to achieve our goals. How many times have we heard someone say ‘I just need to find motivation!’ or ‘I’m just not motivated!’ or ‘Once I get motivated, I will be right’.


How about we try a different approach…


Next time you are having trouble finding motivation to get started on something, whether it is achieving your fitness, business or personal goals; instead of focusing on finding ‘Motivation’ swap this for building ‘Momentum’.


You see, action generates action, and if you can just get started on something little, then you will build the magic of momentum, which is far more powerful than the fleeting and often elusive motivation.


Picture an old-school cartoon of a snowball rolling down a hill. It starts off small, but as it picks up speed and gains size and momentum as it gets going, it can turn into a giant avalanche.


This is like the power we can generate when we take small daily actions towards our goals. For example you might have a goal to lose 10 kilos. You might have had this same goal for 12 months! But instead of focusing on the big goal, if you focus on the small steps like just getting up 10 minutes earlier to do your morning activation as we call it, you will generate momentum. By starting out your day on the right foot, you then make better choices throughout the day. You drink more water. You eat something healthy at lunchtime. And over time, your momentum builds. The next day you decide to increase your 10 minutes to 15-20 minutes as you found it enjoyable and had a better day.


You can see how this snowball effect can build power over time, and all it started with was the small decision to do something ‘little’.


So don’t dismiss the tiny actions, as often it’s these baby steps that get you closer to your goal than you think!


Want to make a small step now towards your goals?


What’s one thing you can do today that will help you build momentum?




Take action and remember all great things take time. If it’s worth achieving it’s worth the effort it takes to get you there!


If there is any way we can help you, please give us a call on 1300 628 656 or 0434 896 112 or send us an email or comment below, we would love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful day 🙂


Carlie & Shea and the Fresh Fitness Team


Do you need to get fit to do Boot Camp, or flexible before you can do Yoga?

By | Boot Camps, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Personal Training, Training, Yoga | No Comments


It might sound funny, but so many times we have heard people say “Oh, I need to get fit before I can do Boot Camp!”

or “I am not flexible enough to do Yoga!”

but the truth is that wherever you are starting from now is absolutely perfect, and you will get fit by doing Boot Camp or get flexible by doing Yoga.

It is human nature to not want to embarrass ourselves, or feel uncomfortable, but the irony is that we get people of all levels of ability saying these things before joining our Boot Camps and Yoga…

So it doesn’t matter where you are at now!

When people ask this we always remind them – there is always likely going to be someone fitter and faster than you and there is also someone who is at more of a beginner level then you – it is not about comparing yourself to other people but only to improving yourself. 

That is specifically why we design our sessions the way that we do, so that there are different levels for beginner through to advanced, with harder options for the more advanced and more suitable options for the beginners… That way you can always challenge yourself to the next level… and everybody is so busy concentrating on themselves and what they are individually doing that there literally isn’t time to worry about anything else!

It is also why we have the mantra “Challenge by Choice” and “Honour Your Body” as on different days you will have different energy levels. It is not about smashing yourself every week but training at an intensity that is suitable for you on each session. It is about getting to know your self and your body, and celebrating the small improvements each week that add up to your big transformation.

As our Yoga guruji once said “It is like watching your hair grow – you can’t see it happening but one day you wake up and realise it’s time for a hair cut!”

When you are consistent and just show up each week; everything else is taken care of and you will get there!

So if you are guilty of focusing on perfection not progress, or have been procrastinating getting started until you are ‘ready’ – call yourself out on this ASAP as you are missing out on getting started now and seeing results a lot faster than if you wait until you are ready!




LAST SPOTS:: YOGA REGISTRATION CLOSES 5pm FRIDAY click here for full details

Inspirational Transformations – Rachelle and Matt

By | Boot Camps, Boxing, Client Transformations, Fresh Fitness Wall of Fame, Inspiration, Motivation, Personal Training, Training | No Comments

Matt and RachelleA big congratulations to our team members Rachelle and Matt Larkin who have achieved amazing results with us this year at our Boot Camps and PT.

Earlier in the year Rachelle phoned us up as they wanted to do something to get their health and fitness back on track. Looking back now it has been amazing to see them both get fitter and stronger every week, they have both toned up so much; increased their muscle and strength, and burnt fat, Rachelle has run her first half marathon 21km’s and lost 5kg and Matt has lost over 15+ kilos!

Rachelle and Matt have such a positive attitude and always give 110% effort in to their training and are such an inspiring part of our team.

We love seeing couples get fit together as it is such a great synergy and has such a huge impact on their lives.


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Check out their amazing transformation pics below!
  2      Matt and Rachelle













Well done guys!!! 🙂

Keep up the amazing work, we can’t wait to see your results transform even further with us in the Summer Boot Camp!!

You are both an inspiration!!

Whole Coconut Drink

By | Inspiration, Nutrition, Recipes, Uncategorized | No Comments

Can’t get a much better whole food drink than this one after a big day and it tastes amazing.

With the added benefit of giving your body electrolytes and good fats, it also has an antibacterial effect to clean the stomach.
Pour the coconut water into the blender with all of the flesh and some ice. Blend to perfection.



Salmon Mushroom Cups

By | Uncategorized | No Comments

Here is a super EASY and QUICK (and delicious!) recipe you can try that we came up with last week:

Salmon Mushroom Cups

All you will need is three main ingredients:

1. The biggest, freshest, field mushrooms you can find

2. A can of salmon (or tuna) we found the soy and ginger one from Aldi delicious

3. Pink Himalayan Sea Salt and Cracked Pepper / Parmasen cheese to sprinkle on top

Just get some of the big delicious field mushrooms, crack open a can of salmon (or you could use tuna), we found a soy and ginger one from Aldi was delicious, top with salt and pepper and a little parmasen cheese, pop in the oven and bake until juicy and golden on top!

We created a side of Kale chips by placing some chopped Kale around the mushrooms and baking alongside (just spray with Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray and a sprinkle of pink himalayan sea salt) some steamed broccoli and cherry tomatoes.

This healthy meal is so quick, and filling, and literally takes only a few minutes to prepare.

Have fun, get creative and let us know how you go!


Carlie & Shea

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Inspirational Transformations Lisa

By | Boot Camps, Client Transformations, Fresh Fitness Wall of Fame, Inspiration, Motivation, Training | No Comments

A huge congratulations to our amazing team member Lisa who has completely transformed her fitness and strength and lost a total of over 14 Kilos while doing Boot Camp with us over the last few months!!

We are so honoured to be a part of Lisa’s amazing transformation and this incredible woman is such an inspiration!

Lisa is a busy Mum of three children under three years old, she is always positive and consistent with her training, improving each and every week and setting such a positive role model for her three children.

Not only has Lisa lost weight but she has completely transformed her fitness, strength and mindset. She is always positive and shows up to training with a smile on her face no matter what she is going through in her life. Lisa is living proof that you can be empowered and take your health and fitness into your own hands no matter how busy you are!!

Well done Lisa; you are amazing and we are so proud of you and all that you have achieved and know that this is just the beginning; with your positive mindset your healthy habits will be long-lasting!!


Here is Lisa’s story below:

“I remember when I first started I told myself I’ll just do the one season of boot camp but after the first two weeks I already became addicted and was looking forward to continuing on to which is now my second boot camp. I have lost 14 kgs since then and my health,fitness nutrition is the best it’s ever been. I highly recommend Shea and Carlies boot camps the support, encouragement and motivation they give is incredible. They genuinely care about you and are so knowledgeable and work together so well as trainers and a couple. They make fitness fun and exciting and believe in you. I never thought I could ever do the things I can now. My favourite part is the boxing ” Lisa  


Here’s a video from Lisa: (Click Play)

Check out Lisa’s amazing Before and After Videos and Photos below:

Here’s Lisa’s Before Video:

Here’s Lisa’s After Video:

Here are some of Lisa’s incredible transformation pics:

Lisa Transformation Pics FreshFitness 1Lisa & Michelle FreshFitness.com.au Boot CampLisa & Girls 1 freshfitness.com.auLisa & Girls 2 Freshfitness.com.au
























































































Well done again Lisa!!! You are amazing and we are so proud of you!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Inspirational Transformations – Craig

By | Boot Camps, Boxing, Client Transformations, Fresh Fitness Wall of Fame, Functional Strength, Inspiration, Kickboxing, Motivation, Nutrition, Personal Training | No Comments


We are so proud of our client Craig who is an absolute legend.

So many people make excuses not to keep their health and fitness in check which is why we are so inspired by Craig, who runs a full time company and is a husband and father of 4 young children.

Craig’s health, fitness and strength and body shape has dramatically changed over his time training with us. And he always puts in 100% effort at his PT and Boot Camp sessions, powering ahead and consistently advancing his skills.


Craig has been training with us for over 2 years now and it is always a pleasure to see him advance and progress each week; he is an inspiration!

Check out his story and pics below:

“I have been training with Shea for over two years now and before I started with Shea I thought I would be the last person to have done Personal Training sessions for over 2 years. Before I started training with Shea I used to see personal trainers at the gym and think I would not pay that guy to train me, he doesn’t appear to know much or even look like he has had much success training himself.

I was sceptical on all personal trainers but I thought I would give it a go with Shea after I met him through work and he seemed very enthusiastic. Training with Shea opened up a new world away from the traditional gym work out I was practicing for years.


Offering a wealth of knowledge and experience across all areas of training techniques, nutritional advice and mental training. Shea is a role model trainer who lives and breathes health and fitness and has a positive attitude toward life, training and helping people progress at all levels.


Shea inspired me to quit smoking after 20 years and has helped me to improve my lifestyle, strength and fitness levels significantly.


Thanks to Shea I have also learnt a number martial arts techniques and skills and practice these regularly with him. His knowledge across all areas of martial arts is very extensive and impressive.


I have a very busy lifestyle with 4 young children and as a director of business there is never enough hours in the day. A lot of people say they don’t have time to train as they are too busy, I believe the opposite.


Training helps me mentally offering great stress relief and the uplifting feeling of progress and achievement as you reach new levels of physical ability.


Shea’s sessions are very intense, effective and efficient meaning I don’t need to waste hours in the gym for results and this is invaluable to me.


Shea is a master of his craft, a true professional with a passion for his job, always looking for ways to improve his own game. I personally recommend training with Shea to anyone who is interested in training with a friendly but serious trainer offering a complete health and fitness service.” – Craig Best





Well done Craig for your amazing consistency, commitment, positive attitude and for always giving 100% and your awesome results!!
