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Next Cornubia Boot Camp Starting Soon!

By | Boot Camps, Training, Uncategorized, Yoga | One Comment

A lot of people have been asking us when our next group training, yoga and Boot Camp will start as we have been out of our normal schedule enjoying this last baby bubble with our newest addition and Carlie has been on maternity leave…

SO…! We are excited to announce that our most popular Spring into Summer Boot Camp and training will start up again in SEPTEMBER– All past members will get first dibs on spots so keep an eye out for a private message / email / text with the details and we will announce all of the details on here soon! STAY TUNED ??

Our Spring into Summer Boot Camp is our favourite time of the year as there is something about training outdoors at sunset, and everyone is super motivated after usually hibernating a bit more than usual through winter and looking forward to finishing the year off with a BANG

Inspirational Transformations – Amy

By | Client Transformations, Fresh Fitness Wall of Fame, Inspiration, Motivation, Training, Uncategorized, Yoga | No Comments

Huge congrats to the beautiful and inspiring Amy who has transformed her mind, body and spirit in our last 12 Week Yoga course. 

Amy has lost 7 kilos, 6% body fat and 10cm from her waist (along with cm everywhere else!) and has proven that when you focus on feeling better from the inside out, the results come naturally while you enjoy the process!

We are so proud of you Amy for getting back on track mentally as well as physically and using your training as the catalyst for positive change in your life.

Check out her story and amazing transformation below:

“Over the past 12 months I had found myself in a bit of a rut both physically and mentally.

I had just been getting back into working out at the gym when I realised I needed to do more, to get my life back on track.

I have trained with Fresh Fitness in the past and it just so happened their new yoga course was about to begin.

It was perfect timing and exactly what I needed.

Yoga has helped remind me how important it is to work not only on my physical strength but also my mental strength.

Attending weekly classes helped ground me, de-stress from work, remind me what is important in my life and what I need to let go.

Having a stronger mind this time around has helped keep me on track and stay positive.

Change doesn’t happen overnight and while I may not be the same shape I was five years ago, I am a happier, stronger and more positive version of myself and it is this shift in my mindset that has taught me to not fixate on how I look but rather how I feel.

Carlie’s support and approach to fitness inspires me and has helped me every step of the way to continue to reach my goals.”

Amy has also been a huge inspiration in finding motivation to complete her own home Yoga workouts through our Skyhaven Yoga home training course and has shared these videos with us of her beautiful home practice below.

Congrats again Amy we are so proud of you!! 🙂

3 Tips For Staying On Track To Achieving Your Goals By The End Of The Year

By | Boot Camps, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Personal Training, Training, Uncategorized, Yoga | No Comments


When September rolls around each year many are often scratching their heads saying “Where has this year gone?” and realising that the year is almost over. We have exactly 16 weeks left of 2017, so how do you make the most of the end of the year to stay motivated and achieve those goals or new years resolutions you set back in January?

1. Meal Prep is Key — Preparing for the week ahead is so important to make sure you stay on track. Many people become unstuck throughout the week as they become so busy with work and family commitments and their nutrition comes in last on the priority list. Make it easy for yourself by planning out your meals and snacks ahead of time so that during the week that part of your life can flow on ‘auto-pilot’ and be one less thing you need to worry about. Stay tuned for more tips in the coming weeks on Meal Prep as it is one of the keys to getting results.

2. Keep Your Workouts Achievable — We need to be realistic when planning out our weekly workouts to prevent burnout and fatigue. You may have all of the best intentions of training 5 days a week, when in reality you may only need to do your daily morning activations and train at the right intensity twice per week and maintain your nutrition. There is nothing worse then the feeling of not achieving your goals, so make sure you are realistic when planning out your sessions. We have had many clients over the years get better results in 2 sessions per week with us, then they were getting for years by training 5-6 days per week by themselves at the gym. (Or feeling guilty 5-6 days per week for doing nothing and/or paying for gym memberships they weren’t even using! 😉

3. Train for a healthy mind as much as a healthy body — So many of our clients particularly at Boot Camp say that they enjoy it as much for their mind as they do for their body, and that the weekly sessions become an integral part of their mental health “stress relief” for the week. We personally also train as much (if not, more!) for the benefits to our mind as well as keeping our body fit. When you train, you are not only healthier, but you are happier and when you make this connection, you enjoy training so much more and look forward to it each week.

A big congratulations to all who have finished our 12 Week Winter Boot Camp last week – Winter is always the hardest time to stay motivated and has been a challenge for many to stay consistent. The great news is that now you will be leaps and bounds ahead, powering into summer with the results and momentum you have gained.

We hope that you have an amazing week and always remember we are here for you to help you so let us know if you need any extra help, motivation or support.

Our Cornubia Spring / Summer Boot Camp and Yoga are already over half full and are booking out fast – the Early Bird Special finishes this week Friday 15th September, so if you haven’t reserved your spot yet and have been thinking about joining us, get in touch now so that you don’t miss out.

Give Mum The Gift of ‘Me Time’

By | Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Personal Training, Pilates, Training, Uncategorized, Yoga | No Comments

Do you feel like you are always running around looking after everybody else; and you’re wondering  when it’s going to be ‘your turn’ to do something for yourself?

After training women of all ages over the past 10+ years, one of the most common themes we hear from women when booking in to come and see us is “I’m so glad to be finally doing something for myself!”

As women we are often really good at putting the needs of others as a priority, whether that is our kids, our partners, our businesses or our work, the household, or even the pets!

Yet it is so important to take time out to nurture and re-energise ourselves or else our own ‘well runs dry’ and we are easily left feeling completely exhausted and depleted from giving, giving, giving!!

One of the side effects from ‘over-giving’ is feeling snappy, resentful or even just simply lethargic and downright tired. Yet when we take time out to focus on ourselves and our needs, we feel re-energised, nurtured, cared for and happy, and then this happiness overflows into every area of our life and we are able to better serve those who we love and who need us most.

Is there a special woman in your life who you know can relate to this?

Or are you craving to ‘treat’ yourself, in order to be the best person you can be for those you love?

With Mother’s Day just around the corner it is the perfect time to focus on nurturing the women in our lives who do so much for us on a constant basis.

We have put together some amazing specials especially for Mum’s in conjunction with our ‘May Specials’ on our Yoga and Women’s Wellness Classes and Personal Training Packages, so to find out more or organise a Gift Voucher just in time for Mother’s Day this Sunday (or to simply treat yourself!) send us a message now and we will send you more details:

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Enquiry / Comments:
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Wishing all of the amazing women out there a very special ‘Mother’s Day’ xxx

Keeping Life in Balance

By | Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Yoga | No Comments

Sometimes life can feel like an endless juggle.. the challenge of keeping everything flowing and ‘all of the balls in the air’ consistently while striving towards multiple goals and just simply maintaining everyday life can sometimes feel like the impossible dream.

So is ‘balance’ in today’s world an elusive myth… or a must?

In our experience balance is not only achievable it is absolutely essential.

Balance is everything, and is the glue that sticks life together.

Like the rocks in the picture above, certain aspects of your life (the bigger rocks) are imperative; and all of the other smaller rocks fit into place around the bigger ones.

Balance becomes more a matter of values and ensuring that the important things always take precedence. Like the quote; “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least” – [Johann Wolfgang von Goethe] 

Life is full of ups and downs, but the fact is, there are a few key main things in our life that make life feel balanced, regardless of what else is going on in our life circumstances.

Things like beginning your day right, daily exercise, getting enough sleep at night, making time for the important relationships in life, and prioritizing eating well and nourishing your body – these are the things that provide life with balance, no matter what other circumstances you are dealing with at the time.

When we don’t make time for these things or let them slip, we feel out of balance and the cost is just not worth it.

Everyone is different and we all define what gives our life fulfillment, meaning and balance…

So have a think about or write out what are the things that give you balance?

For example it could be other simple things like feeling like the house is organised and kitchen is tidy before going to bed… or getting your lunch meals ready the night before to make mornings more streamlined, or going on a weekly ‘date’ day with your spouse.

I bet that if you narrow it down, there are 5-10 things that you know that when you do, your life feels balanced.

Once you are aware of them, if you make sure that they stay a priority, you will achieve your goals and always maintain balance in your life!

Finding stillness in today’s busy world can also be a challenge, even to have the time to settle your mind and find that peace and clarity – which is why at Fresh Fitness we always finish off our training sessions and Boot Camp sessions with your meditation, visualization and breathing exercises.

If you are looking to find even more balance we highly recommend joining our Yoga course which is starting in a few weeks (click here to find out the full details).

So what are your 5-10 things? Write them down or share with us in the comments below 🙂

Always remember we are always here to help you find balance in your life and achieve your goals,

We hope you are having a great week.

See you at training!
Carlie & Shea

Fresh Fitness

Do you need to get fit to do Boot Camp, or flexible before you can do Yoga?

By | Boot Camps, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Personal Training, Training, Yoga | No Comments


It might sound funny, but so many times we have heard people say “Oh, I need to get fit before I can do Boot Camp!”

or “I am not flexible enough to do Yoga!”

but the truth is that wherever you are starting from now is absolutely perfect, and you will get fit by doing Boot Camp or get flexible by doing Yoga.

It is human nature to not want to embarrass ourselves, or feel uncomfortable, but the irony is that we get people of all levels of ability saying these things before joining our Boot Camps and Yoga…

So it doesn’t matter where you are at now!

When people ask this we always remind them – there is always likely going to be someone fitter and faster than you and there is also someone who is at more of a beginner level then you – it is not about comparing yourself to other people but only to improving yourself. 

That is specifically why we design our sessions the way that we do, so that there are different levels for beginner through to advanced, with harder options for the more advanced and more suitable options for the beginners… That way you can always challenge yourself to the next level… and everybody is so busy concentrating on themselves and what they are individually doing that there literally isn’t time to worry about anything else!

It is also why we have the mantra “Challenge by Choice” and “Honour Your Body” as on different days you will have different energy levels. It is not about smashing yourself every week but training at an intensity that is suitable for you on each session. It is about getting to know your self and your body, and celebrating the small improvements each week that add up to your big transformation.

As our Yoga guruji once said “It is like watching your hair grow – you can’t see it happening but one day you wake up and realise it’s time for a hair cut!”

When you are consistent and just show up each week; everything else is taken care of and you will get there!

So if you are guilty of focusing on perfection not progress, or have been procrastinating getting started until you are ‘ready’ – call yourself out on this ASAP as you are missing out on getting started now and seeing results a lot faster than if you wait until you are ready!




LAST SPOTS:: YOGA REGISTRATION CLOSES 5pm FRIDAY click here for full details

Yoga Sun Salutations

By | Inspiration, Yoga | No Comments

Here is a quick video of the Yoga Sun Salutations Surya Namaskara, for those of you who are doing our Yoga classes, so that you can practice at home. Or if you are new to Yoga, it is a nice easy routine that you can start off with!


Surya Namaskara – Sun Salutations

Begin standing tall with the feet together, Samasthiti.









Bring the hands to the heart.








Inhale bring the hands up.








4-300x187Exhale fold forward, legs straight, hinging from the hips.









Folding all the way in to the legs.









Inhale look forward, lengthen the spine.









Exhale step or jump back into plank.









Lower Chaturanga Dandasana, elbows in.









Inhale glide through upward dog Urdhva Mukha Svanasana.









Exhale push back, downward facing dog Adho Mukha Svanasana.









Inhale look to the hands, step or jump forward feet together, straighten the spine.








Exhale fold in.









Inhale come all the way up.









Exhale bring the hands to the heart Samasthiti.








For details on our next Yoga classes starting in January 2014, click here for all of the details!

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Give the gift of health this Christmas!

By | Boot Camps, Client Transformations, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Yoga | No Comments


Looking for Christmas Gift ideas for your friends, family and loved ones?

Fresh Fitness Gift Certificates are now available for our New Year Boot Camp, Yoga Course, and Personal Training, or you can tailor your own Fresh Fitness Gift Certificate with the gift of your choice. So help your loved ones make a healthy and fresh start to the New Year in 2014 with a Fresh Fitness Gift Certificate!


Give the gift of health this Christmas with a Fresh Fitness Gift Certificate!

Browse the Gift Certificate options and click below to purchase. Gift Certificates can be mailed to your nominated address or picked up from our Personal Training Studio. Please ensure that you provide your contact phone number when ordering using Pay Pal.

Please feel free to give us a call on 1300 628 656 if you have any questions.

images21Fresh Fitness New Year Boot Camp $539

12 Week Boot Camp starting in January 2014 – Get Fit, Tone Up and Have Fun – Our Boot Camps utilise a combination of the most effective strength training and cardio fitness buy-nowtraining to get you fit, toned and looking your absolute best. Utilising a unique blend of kickboxing, boxing, yoga core strengthening and circuit training, our Boot Camps are designed to build muscle, burn fat and re-shape your body in a fun, fresh and motivating environment. For more information on our Boot Camp click here.


images21Fresh Fitness 12 Week Yoga Course $229

12 Week Yoga Course starting in January 2014 – Balance your Mind, Body and Spirit – Our Yoga Courses are designed to get you flexible, fitter and stronger, while relaxing and buy-nowde-stressing so that you float away from each class feeling strengthened, stretched out, calmer and blissfully relaxed. $229 One night per week. For more information on our Yoga Course click here.


images21Fresh Fitness 12 Week Yoga Course $349

12 Week Yoga Course starting in January 2014 – Balance your Mind, Body and Spirit – Our Yoga Courses are designed to get you flexible, fitter and stronger, while relaxing and buy-nowde-stressing so that you float away from each class feeling strengthened, stretched out, calmer and blissfully relaxed. $349 Two nights per week. For more information on our Yoga Course click here.


images21Fresh Fitness $200 Personal Training Voucher

Our Personal Training Sessions are specifically tailored to you and your goals, to ensure that you achieve the best results possible. Included is tailored help with your Nutrition and Homebuy-now Programs to help fast track your results. Training takes place in our exclusive Personal Training Studio. We have over 10 years experience and our trainers are also qualified in Kickboxing, Boxing, Yoga, Pilates, Life Coaching, and MMA Mixed Martial Arts. For more information on our Personal Training click here

images21Fresh Fitness $100 Personal Training Voucher

Our Personal Training Sessions are specifically tailored to you and your goals, to ensure that you achieve the best results possible. Included in our Personal Training is help with your buy-nowNutrition and Home Programs to help fast track your results. Training takes place in our exclusive Personal Training Studio. We have over 10 years experience and our trainers are also qualified in Kickboxing, Boxing, Yoga, Pilates, Life Coaching, and MMA Mixed Martial Arts. For more information on our Personal Training click here


images21Fresh Fitness $50 Personal Training Voucher

Our Personal Training Sessions are specifically tailored to you and your goals, to ensure that you achieve the best results possible. Included in our Personal Training is help with your buy-nowNutrition and Home Programs to help fast track your results. Training takes place in our exclusive Personal Training Studio. We have over 10 years experience and our trainers are also qualified in Kickboxing, Boxing, Yoga, Pilates, Life Coaching, and MMA Mixed Martial Arts. For more information on our Personal Training click here


images21Tailor Your Own Fresh Fitness Gift Certificate

We can also tailor your own Gift Certificate to suit your budget and specifications. Just give us a call on 1300 628 656 and we can tailor something special for you! Or send us a message and contact us online now by clicking here.



Call Now on 1300 628 656 or 0434 896 112 to have a chat

if you have any questions and for more information!












Yoga Inspiration – Amy!

By | Client Transformations, Functional Strength, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Training, Yoga | No Comments

Well done to Amy who has been doing Yoga with us for the last 2 years and has completely transformed her Yoga practice and her flexibility and strength!


Here is what she has to say about our Yoga classes:

“I started yoga with Fresh Fitness two years ago, to try something new and become more flexible.

In the beginning I struggled to touch my toes but after a few weeks I found my flexibility had increased significantly and two years on I can do a tripod headstand without the support of a wall.

I have found that while I still want to increase my flexibility I also crave the relaxation.

I love Fresh Fitness’ holistic approach to yoga and how it has provided me a calmer outlook on life!” Amy Wasely


Well done Amy, you have accomplished so much in your Yoga Practice and we are really proud of you – Congratulations! You are an inspiration!!



New Year, New You!

By | Boot Camps, Boxing, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Personal Training, Yoga | No Comments

Happy New Year!


Wishing you a Happy, Healthy, & Amazing Year in 2013!

The beginning of the New Year is always a perfect time to stop and reflect, set new goals, and make a Fresh Start for the year ahead.

So take the time to reflect on the year that has just passed… and set new goals for what you want to achieve in the new year.

Because… “If you aim at Nothing, you are sure to hit it!”

So, looking back over the past year…

What has changed in the last 12 months?

What hasn’t changed?

What do you want to have achieved by this time next year?

What direction do you want your life to be headed in?

What are the small daily disciplines that you need to do, to get you one step closer to achieving your goals each day?

Take the time to write out a quick action plan to help keep you on track, for when life picks up the pace and things try to knock you off your path.

It takes consistent effort to stay on top of your life! So make a commitment now, to prioritise what is important to you.

Make 2013 your best year yet!

To find out more about how we can help you achieve your goals, click here now to contact us today!

*** 2013 Fresh Fitness New Year Boot Camp starting soon!! Click Here to find out more!

*** 2013 Fresh Fitness New Year Yoga Classes starting soon!! Click Here to find out more!