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Inspiration – Fresh Fitness
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Inspirational Transformations – Shari

By | Boot Camps, Client Transformations, Fresh Fitness Wall of Fame, Inspiration, Motivation, Training, Uncategorized | No Comments

A huge congratulations to the awesome Shari who has completely transformed her health, mind-set and body in our last 10 Week Boot Camp!

When Shari first came to us in September last year, she was frustrated as she had been training hard herself and putting in the effort but was so disheartened as she had not seen ANY results from her hard work all year…

Fast forward 10 weeks later and it has been so rewarding seeing Shari not only achieve awesome results through our Boot Camp, losing approximately 4 kilos and 39 cm off her body, and also seeing her positivity and love of fitness being re-ignited and FEELING so much better, healthier and happier!

We are so proud of you Shari for your perseverance, positive attitude and always giving 100% each session – You are an inspiration!!

Check out Shari’s story and incredible transformation journey below:

“Hi my name is Shari and this is my fitness journey SO FAR…

At the beginning of 2018 I decided I wanted to be the fittest and healthiest I’ve ever been before I turned 44 in Dec.

So I started exercising, attending fitness classes, daily walks and any free fitness app I could find. I wouldn’t say I wasn’t unfit, just not extremely active but to be honest the love for fitness just wasn’t there which lead to minimal results and limited drive.

It wasn’t until I started Carlie and Shea’s Oct Boot Camp did the passion for fitness start to develop.

Not only do I now enjoy exercising each day and seeing how far I can push myself but I love how my body and mind felt after each session – stronger, healthy and excited that I was able to keep up with the rest of the Camp and trust me those Guys were A LOT fitter and younger than I was.

I now understand the importance of clean “regular” eating, I wouldn’t call myself an unhealthy eater but a bad eater as I would often skip meals or go for hours without food which lead to more harm than good but due to helpful coaching from these guys, I now understand what and when my body needs food.

Over the 10 week Boot Camp, I lost over 4 kgs, and 39cm off my body.

So not only is my body the strongest, happiest, cleanest and healthiest I’ve been in a long time but my mind is clear and ready for the next Boot Camp to see how much more I can achieve.”

We are so proud of you Shari and can’t wait to help you take your results to the next level in our New Year 2019 Boot Camp starting in a few weeks!!

Keep up the amazing work, you are an inspiration!! 🙂

It has been so amazing to see Shari and Jasmine motivating each other each week and keeping each other accountable and also having fun together!

Keep up the awesome work and we are so excited to see you take your results to the next level in 2019!!!

Inspirational Transformations – Jasmine

By | Boot Camps, Boxing, Client Transformations, Fresh Fitness Wall of Fame, Inspiration, Motivation, Training, Uncategorized | One Comment

A huge congratulations to the amazing and inspiring Jasmine who has completely transformed her health, mind-set and body in our last 10 Week Boot Camp!

In just 10 weeks Jasmine has lost an amazing 17 kilos, and 118cm from her body and feels so much healthier and happier.

We are so proud of you Jasmine for making positive changes in your life not only at the Boot Camp sessions but implementing healthy changes into your lifestyle, and transforming mentally as well as physically over the last 10 weeks.

Check out Jasmine’s story and incredible transformation journey below:

“My name is Jasmine and for a long time now have struggled with weight loss and feeling down over what I looked like and my over all health and appearance.

Over 11 weeks ago my friend introduced me to FRESH FITNESS and all I can say is what an amazing journey it has been.

Starting the boot camp and not having done one before I was a bit overwhelmed. I knew it was time to get my life back on track so I gave it ago and having a friend beside me was what I really needed as I also didn’t want to let them down either.

As I started my journey I really enjoyed the team environment that the boot camp offered and the structured lifestyle plan was something I needed.

I enjoy that each session is a bit different from the last, so showing up you don’t really know what your in for but you leave feeling accomplished and satisfied with your growth.

Overall I have lost over 17kg and over 118cm from my body which is amazing and I feel so much healthier and happier.

Looking forward to what the next part of my journey has to offer.”

We are so proud of you Jasmine and can’t wait to help you take your results to the next level in our New Year 2019 Boot Camp starting in a few weeks!!

Keep up the amazing work, you are an inspiration!! 🙂

Client Inspirations – Tianan

By | Client Transformations, Fresh Fitness Wall of Fame, Inspiration, Kickboxing, Nutrition, Personal Training, Training | No Comments

We love when our clients come back to training especially when they have kept practicing what we have taught them. In 3 weeks back Tianan’s strength, fitness and mindset have pushed to new levels maxing through his circuits, burning fat and busting out 7 full chin-ups after starting at 2 half chin-ups.

Most of all we love hearing how being back at training with us has improved his overall quality of life, mentally, emotionally and physically. Keep up the awesome work T!!!

Inspirational Transformations – Amy

By | Client Transformations, Fresh Fitness Wall of Fame, Inspiration, Motivation, Training, Uncategorized, Yoga | No Comments

Huge congrats to the beautiful and inspiring Amy who has transformed her mind, body and spirit in our last 12 Week Yoga course. 

Amy has lost 7 kilos, 6% body fat and 10cm from her waist (along with cm everywhere else!) and has proven that when you focus on feeling better from the inside out, the results come naturally while you enjoy the process!

We are so proud of you Amy for getting back on track mentally as well as physically and using your training as the catalyst for positive change in your life.

Check out her story and amazing transformation below:

“Over the past 12 months I had found myself in a bit of a rut both physically and mentally.

I had just been getting back into working out at the gym when I realised I needed to do more, to get my life back on track.

I have trained with Fresh Fitness in the past and it just so happened their new yoga course was about to begin.

It was perfect timing and exactly what I needed.

Yoga has helped remind me how important it is to work not only on my physical strength but also my mental strength.

Attending weekly classes helped ground me, de-stress from work, remind me what is important in my life and what I need to let go.

Having a stronger mind this time around has helped keep me on track and stay positive.

Change doesn’t happen overnight and while I may not be the same shape I was five years ago, I am a happier, stronger and more positive version of myself and it is this shift in my mindset that has taught me to not fixate on how I look but rather how I feel.

Carlie’s support and approach to fitness inspires me and has helped me every step of the way to continue to reach my goals.”

Amy has also been a huge inspiration in finding motivation to complete her own home Yoga workouts through our Skyhaven Yoga home training course and has shared these videos with us of her beautiful home practice below.

Congrats again Amy we are so proud of you!! 🙂

Inspirational Transformations – Adele

By | Boot Camps, Boxing, Client Transformations, Fresh Fitness Wall of Fame, Inspiration, Kickboxing, Motivation, Training, Uncategorized | No Comments

Huge congratulations to Adele, beautiful Mum to three young boys who has been training hard with us over the last Boot Camp and has gotten fitter, stronger, healthier and back to her pre-baby weight in just 12 weeks!!

Adele has always had the most positive attitude at training and it is a testament to her mindset to stay consistent and keep going even when life throws ‘curve balls’ and makes it more difficult to stay on track.

We think every parent can relate to the struggles of finding ‘me time’ with the demands of having small children and the need to be able to pick back up when you veer off course and Adele has been an incredible inspiration of doing just that!

We are so proud of you Adele and congratulate you for all of your hard work and positive mindset along the journey!! You are an inspiration!!!

We can’t wait to see you progress even further in this New Year Boot Camp and achieve your new goals!!

Here is Adele’s story below:

“After having my third baby last April, I was eager to return to Bootcamp. I wanted to lose a few kilograms to fit back into my normal clothes and to regain strength in my core.

I had done a couple of Boot Camps following my second pregnancy and I was looking forward to having Shea and Carlie’s knowledge, motivation and encouragement along the way.

12 weeks later, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight, down 7% body fat and feeling stronger and more toned. As a Mum of 3, I find Bootcamp gives me a chance for 2 hours a week to focus on just me. The regular contact with Shea and Carlie helps to keep me on track and accountable and they’re always there to answer and question I have about my nutrition.”

Now I can’t wait to start the New Year Bootcamp and work towards some new goals.

Inspirational Transformations – Gabby

By | Boot Camps, Boxing, Client Transformations, Fresh Fitness Wall of Fame, Inspiration, Motivation, Training, Uncategorized | No Comments

Huge congratulations to Gabby who has been training hard with us over the last few months in the last Boot Camp and has achieved amazing results!!

It is always so nice seeing friends and family members train together and motivate each other and seeing the determined father-daughter pair David and Gabby has been such a pleasure. (David has lost over 30 kilos!)

Gabby has been so committed, always filling out her nutrition sheets and implementing feedback and was always the first one to text back that she has completed her weekend workout each week. (Well done again Gabby!!)

Congratulations Gabby for all of your hard work, positive attitude and training like a champion!!

We are so proud of you and can’t wait to see you take your results to the next level over the next 12 weeks in the New Year Boot Camp.

Here is Gabby’s story below:

“Before starting Boot Camp I was unhappy with my weight and my general fitness, it was my Dad who had done a few Fresh Fitness Boot Camps before inspired me to join up.

I saw how good the results were for my Dad and how much happier he was and how much weight he has lost.

Honestly since doing my first Boot Camp I will never look back! I absolutely loved it! It was the highlight of my week.

I loved how much they pushed us I loved seeing myself improve and I loved that Carlie and Shea were so hands on.

You could text them anytime to ask questions and for extra help. Carlie really helped with my diet as well. Told me improvements and what to change. They also gave lots to praise when they saw anyone improving!

Everyone was so friendly so it made it more fun and we all encouraged each other each session.

Can’t wait for the next one and to see even more improvement to my weight and my fitness level then I have already!”

Know Your Nature

By | Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Training, Uncategorized | No Comments

When it comes to achieving the most out of life and getting great results, self awareness is key.

Without self-awareness and consciousness it is easy to drift along in life and find yourself setting goals but not achieving them.

It would be like sitting on the couch and your remote control batteries run flat… instead of getting up to change the channel, you just sit there and watch whatever is on, instead of taking control of what you are watching.

We all have our own human nature in common, but we also each have our own individual nature unique to us and when we understand ourselves more we can help ourselves succeed faster.

We live in a ‘material’ world however we are also very much a part of nature… Just as nature experiences changes in seasons and is sunny one moment and raining or storming the next, we are living, breathing, emotional beings and everyday we can experience a cocktail of emotions and experiences that can knock us off balance. When we understand how we react and respond to these challenges in life, it can help us to be more in control of our actions rather than acting unconsciously.

For example, when it comes to Nutrition, are you the type of person who if you set yourself rules and tell yourself “Okay, from now on I am not going to eat that!” you find yourself rebelling from your own rules and breaking it straight away (“Life is short, I’ll eat what I want thank you very much!”) or put it off til later…  (“I’ll start being really serious next week!”) … Or alternatively do you thrive on self-discipline and enjoy challenging yourself to stick to your word?

For example if you relate more to the former than the later, by understanding this about your own (rebellious!) nature, you could try a different approach.

“I am ‘allowed’ to eat whatever I want to, and I can eat that (for example chocolate, alcohol, chips, etc insert vice of your choice) if I really want to, but I’m going to pass today because I want to achieve my goals more.”

By allowing yourself freedom instead of restriction, you successfully use ‘reverse psychology’ on yourself and prevent a rebellious-streak binge out from occurring!

Or alternatively, if you need structure and discipline to knuckle down and get serious about getting results, how can you set yourself mini-challenges to stay motivated and on track. For example, “I’m going to quit (chocolate, sugar, alcohol etc) for a month and as a reward on the 31st Jan I’m going to book myself a massage as a treat and so forth for each month of the year!”

There is no right or wrong, just what works for you. You are your own unique being, and what works for one person may be different to what will work for another.


Our challenge to you this New Year… instead of setting your usual ‘New Year Resolutions’… take it a bit further, and write out a few key points about your own unique nature to help you succeed faster.

For example, if your goal is to lose weight and clean up your nutrition more, write down what has prevented you in the past…

(for example: “I know that when I am stressed I binge eat on sweets or turn to wine after work.” or “I know that the weekends are my weakness because when I am with my friends, I really don’t feel like restricting myself and I just want to have a good time.”) 

And then take it a step further and write down a few ideas on how to over come this (for example: “When I am stressed after work I am going to run myself a nice bath and find a delicious herbal tea that I love that I can have instead to relax me.” or “I am going to find healthy alternative ways to catch up with my friends for example going to the beach or surfing, instead of meeting for a drink, or bringing my own platter of healthy nibblies to a catch up instead of binging on chips and alcohol”.)

Whatever it is for you personally, the key is to ‘shine the light of awareness’ and understand your own unique nature so that you aren’t fumbling around in the dark for another year and scratching your head wondering why you just can’t seem to achieve your goals!


Would you like extra help with your mindset, lifestyle planning and coaching? Send us a message now to find out more about our mindset and coaching sessions to help you fast track your results further.


Have you saved your spot for our New Year Boot Camp? 

Make it easier to achieve your goals with us faster, click here for the full details and to save your spot.

We only run our Boot Camps a couple of times a year, and this one is almost fully booked out so get in touch today if you would like to find out more and to join us 🙂

Is there a right way to indulge this Christmas Season?

By | Boot Camps, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Personal Training, Uncategorized | No Comments

We hope you are having a wonderful week and are thriving not just surviving this busy holiday Christmas period!!

A lot of our clients have been asking how to enjoy this time of year (without feeling guilty!) and maintain their results.

So is there a RIGHT way to INDULGE this Christmas Season?

There sure is!!

Here are a few tips to stay on track over this festive time:


Especially in this current heat, it is so important to remember to drink loads of fresh water to help your body stay hydrated, but not only that, to help flush out any extra toxins from the foods and drinks you wouldn’t normally be having.

When you drink lots of water it is literally like ‘having a shower’ on your insides, and helps your body function so much better.

Try to aim for around min 2L per day and more on the days you are exercising.

Have a glass of water in between ‘other’ drinks (such as alcoholic beverages or sugary fizzy drinks 😉 and have an extra glass of water for any ‘treats’ you consume (such as sugar/fat bombs!) to help your body flush it away.


When we think of indulging we often associate it with ‘bad’ and ‘unhealthy’ foods, but how about switching your mindset to indulge in delicious treats that won’t derail your results?

What could be nicer then chomping into a delicious fresh juicy mango, or big bowl of strawberries, or a delicious fresh coconut drink, or a Chocolate Cacao slice or dessert that you wouldn’t normally have time to make?

Sometimes when we ‘indulge’ in something unhealthy that we think is going to satisfy us it does the opposite and makes us feel sick!!

Remind yourself of this before you have already gone too far; ask “is this going to nourish me or deplete me?”

There are plenty of delicious ways to indulge without sabotaging your results.


Keeping the above in mind, life is about balance, and often when we allow ourselves to relax a little and not be super ‘strict’ with our diet, it actually does more to keep us on track then it does to deny your urges.

Because when you do feel a bit ‘sick’ (or queasy) after eating the stuff you wouldn’t normally eat, you resolve even more to clean up your diet to the next level!!

Let’s be honest, having a ‘cheat day’ once a week, month, or year isn’t going to ruin your results when you are on track 80-90% of the time throughout the year.

In fact, having these cheat days actually does more for your results then it does harm, as you don’t feel deprived and you enjoy the process.

So enjoy yourself, make sure you get plenty of rest and relaxation and enjoy the festive season!!


Now is the perfect time to get yourself set up for the New Year, and a lot of our clients have been booking in for a ‘planning session’ to make sure they are set to stay on track in 2018. To book in for a one-on-one consultation to get your self organised (think: meal prep ideas, scheduling meals and exercise, planning your schedule so that you fit it all in and stick to it) give us a call on 0434 896 112 or send us a message today.

There are 4 days left to claim the Early Bird Special for our New Year Boot Camp!!

If you want to set yourself up for an awesome and amazing 2018 join us and our inspirational team, click here for more details:


Looking for the perfect ‘Fresh Start’ Gift idea for yourself or a loved one?

Click here to check out our personalised Gift Certificate options for the gift of a lifetime that keeps on giving:

The Gift of a Fresh Start


We hope you have an amazing week and look forward to seeing you soon!
