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Know Your Nature

By | Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Training, Uncategorized | No Comments

When it comes to achieving the most out of life and getting great results, self awareness is key.

Without self-awareness and consciousness it is easy to drift along in life and find yourself setting goals but not achieving them.

It would be like sitting on the couch and your remote control batteries run flat… instead of getting up to change the channel, you just sit there and watch whatever is on, instead of taking control of what you are watching.

We all have our own human nature in common, but we also each have our own individual nature unique to us and when we understand ourselves more we can help ourselves succeed faster.

We live in a ‘material’ world however we are also very much a part of nature… Just as nature experiences changes in seasons and is sunny one moment and raining or storming the next, we are living, breathing, emotional beings and everyday we can experience a cocktail of emotions and experiences that can knock us off balance. When we understand how we react and respond to these challenges in life, it can help us to be more in control of our actions rather than acting unconsciously.

For example, when it comes to Nutrition, are you the type of person who if you set yourself rules and tell yourself “Okay, from now on I am not going to eat that!” you find yourself rebelling from your own rules and breaking it straight away (“Life is short, I’ll eat what I want thank you very much!”) or put it off til later…  (“I’ll start being really serious next week!”) … Or alternatively do you thrive on self-discipline and enjoy challenging yourself to stick to your word?

For example if you relate more to the former than the later, by understanding this about your own (rebellious!) nature, you could try a different approach.

“I am ‘allowed’ to eat whatever I want to, and I can eat that (for example chocolate, alcohol, chips, etc insert vice of your choice) if I really want to, but I’m going to pass today because I want to achieve my goals more.”

By allowing yourself freedom instead of restriction, you successfully use ‘reverse psychology’ on yourself and prevent a rebellious-streak binge out from occurring!

Or alternatively, if you need structure and discipline to knuckle down and get serious about getting results, how can you set yourself mini-challenges to stay motivated and on track. For example, “I’m going to quit (chocolate, sugar, alcohol etc) for a month and as a reward on the 31st Jan I’m going to book myself a massage as a treat and so forth for each month of the year!”

There is no right or wrong, just what works for you. You are your own unique being, and what works for one person may be different to what will work for another.


Our challenge to you this New Year… instead of setting your usual ‘New Year Resolutions’… take it a bit further, and write out a few key points about your own unique nature to help you succeed faster.

For example, if your goal is to lose weight and clean up your nutrition more, write down what has prevented you in the past…

(for example: “I know that when I am stressed I binge eat on sweets or turn to wine after work.” or “I know that the weekends are my weakness because when I am with my friends, I really don’t feel like restricting myself and I just want to have a good time.”) 

And then take it a step further and write down a few ideas on how to over come this (for example: “When I am stressed after work I am going to run myself a nice bath and find a delicious herbal tea that I love that I can have instead to relax me.” or “I am going to find healthy alternative ways to catch up with my friends for example going to the beach or surfing, instead of meeting for a drink, or bringing my own platter of healthy nibblies to a catch up instead of binging on chips and alcohol”.)

Whatever it is for you personally, the key is to ‘shine the light of awareness’ and understand your own unique nature so that you aren’t fumbling around in the dark for another year and scratching your head wondering why you just can’t seem to achieve your goals!


Would you like extra help with your mindset, lifestyle planning and coaching? Send us a message now to find out more about our mindset and coaching sessions to help you fast track your results further.


Have you saved your spot for our New Year Boot Camp? 

Make it easier to achieve your goals with us faster, click here for the full details and to save your spot.

We only run our Boot Camps a couple of times a year, and this one is almost fully booked out so get in touch today if you would like to find out more and to join us 🙂

Is there a right way to indulge this Christmas Season?

By | Boot Camps, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Personal Training, Uncategorized | No Comments

We hope you are having a wonderful week and are thriving not just surviving this busy holiday Christmas period!!

A lot of our clients have been asking how to enjoy this time of year (without feeling guilty!) and maintain their results.

So is there a RIGHT way to INDULGE this Christmas Season?

There sure is!!

Here are a few tips to stay on track over this festive time:


Especially in this current heat, it is so important to remember to drink loads of fresh water to help your body stay hydrated, but not only that, to help flush out any extra toxins from the foods and drinks you wouldn’t normally be having.

When you drink lots of water it is literally like ‘having a shower’ on your insides, and helps your body function so much better.

Try to aim for around min 2L per day and more on the days you are exercising.

Have a glass of water in between ‘other’ drinks (such as alcoholic beverages or sugary fizzy drinks 😉 and have an extra glass of water for any ‘treats’ you consume (such as sugar/fat bombs!) to help your body flush it away.


When we think of indulging we often associate it with ‘bad’ and ‘unhealthy’ foods, but how about switching your mindset to indulge in delicious treats that won’t derail your results?

What could be nicer then chomping into a delicious fresh juicy mango, or big bowl of strawberries, or a delicious fresh coconut drink, or a Chocolate Cacao slice or dessert that you wouldn’t normally have time to make?

Sometimes when we ‘indulge’ in something unhealthy that we think is going to satisfy us it does the opposite and makes us feel sick!!

Remind yourself of this before you have already gone too far; ask “is this going to nourish me or deplete me?”

There are plenty of delicious ways to indulge without sabotaging your results.


Keeping the above in mind, life is about balance, and often when we allow ourselves to relax a little and not be super ‘strict’ with our diet, it actually does more to keep us on track then it does to deny your urges.

Because when you do feel a bit ‘sick’ (or queasy) after eating the stuff you wouldn’t normally eat, you resolve even more to clean up your diet to the next level!!

Let’s be honest, having a ‘cheat day’ once a week, month, or year isn’t going to ruin your results when you are on track 80-90% of the time throughout the year.

In fact, having these cheat days actually does more for your results then it does harm, as you don’t feel deprived and you enjoy the process.

So enjoy yourself, make sure you get plenty of rest and relaxation and enjoy the festive season!!


Now is the perfect time to get yourself set up for the New Year, and a lot of our clients have been booking in for a ‘planning session’ to make sure they are set to stay on track in 2018. To book in for a one-on-one consultation to get your self organised (think: meal prep ideas, scheduling meals and exercise, planning your schedule so that you fit it all in and stick to it) give us a call on 0434 896 112 or send us a message today.

There are 4 days left to claim the Early Bird Special for our New Year Boot Camp!!

If you want to set yourself up for an awesome and amazing 2018 join us and our inspirational team, click here for more details:


Looking for the perfect ‘Fresh Start’ Gift idea for yourself or a loved one?

Click here to check out our personalised Gift Certificate options for the gift of a lifetime that keeps on giving:

The Gift of a Fresh Start


We hope you have an amazing week and look forward to seeing you soon!


The Gift of a Fresh Start

By | Boot Camps, Boxing, Client Transformations, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Personal Training, Training, Uncategorized | No Comments

Are you trying to find the perfect Christmas Gift for your friends, family and loved ones? Or a little something for yourself? 😉

Give the gift of a Fresh Start this Christmas with a Fresh Fitness Gift Certificate.

Gift Certificates are available for our New Year 2018 Boot Camp, and Personal Training sessions or Packages, or you can tailor your own Fresh Fitness Gift Certificate with the gift of your choice. So help your loved ones make a healthy and fresh start to the New Year in 2018 with a Fresh Fitness Gift Certificate!

Browse the Gift Certificate options below and click to purchase. Gift Certificates can be mailed to your postal address within 2 days or picked up from our Personal Training Studio before the 21st December. (Please ensure that you provide your contact phone number when ordering using Pay Pal).

New Year 2018 Boot Camp (12 Week Transformation Including All Bonuses) Starts 23rd January 2018

24 x 1 Hr Boot Camp Sessions designed with the most effective strength training and cardio fitness training to strengthen and tone your entire body, with a unique blend of kickboxing, boxing, yoga core strengthening and combat training, designed to build muscle, burn fat and re-shape your body in a fun, fresh and motivating environment. Valued at $600

  • Nutritional Eating Plan (for fat loss and toning or muscle gain), Diet Checklist and Weekly Home Programs for the Entire 12 Weeks. Your nutrition is what will fast track your results and getting your own diet plan and being able to ask your trainers every week for updates is amazing. Learning the wide range of fun exercises will ensure that you strengthen and tone all over and included with the Boot Camp are Home Programs that you can use over and over again. Valued at $197
  • Body Measurements, Before and After Photos. We want you to achieve amazing results and that is why getting your all of your measurements and photo’s done will be priceless to you once you see the transformation you have made. Valued at $67
  • Nutrition/Supplement Reviews, Advice, Pickup, and Updates. The right supplements turbo charge your results making you look and feel your best faster. The problem is that when people go into supplement shops, they end up wasting their money and time because they don’t know exactly what they need for their goals and the sales person in the shop just wants to sell you as much as he can. As with any industry there are a lot of products that don’t work and can actually make you sick. We only source and recommend products that we personally take and that are pure. So as a bonus we will help you choose the best supplements for your goals and even pick them up for you at no charge. Valued at $179
  • Access to the VIP Member Area of our Fresh Fitness Website for the Entire 12 Weeks. Having access to all of the great resources on our VIP Members Area is a surefire way to fast tracking your results and enabling you to getting the edge that will help you look and feel your best. Valued at $189

(Click Here for link to our Boot Camp Page with Full Details)

Early Bird Special Only $549 Buy Before 24th December 2017

Buy Now

Personal Training Gift Vouchers

Our Personal Training Sessions are specifically tailored to each individual and their goals, to ensure that you achieve the best results possible.

Included in all of our Personal Training Packages is help with your Nutrition and Home Training Programs to help fast track your results, so whether you are training with us once, twice or multiple times per week we are there to support you to achieve your goals.

We have over 10 years experience and our trainers are qualified in Kickboxing, Boxing, Yoga, Pilates, Life Coaching, and MMA Mixed Martial Arts, keeping every session fun, fresh and enjoyable and guaranteed to get you results!

For more information on our Personal Training click here.

$100 Personal Training Gift Voucher

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$250 Personal Training Gift Voucher

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$500 Personal Training Gift Voucher

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Customize Your Own Voucher

Not sure which Gift Certificate is right for you? Give us a call on 1300 628 656 or 0434 896 112 to have a chat and make the right choice today! 🙂

The Gift of a Lifetime

So many of our clients say how much of an impact their training has not only on their health and fitness and results but on their entire life, creating a ripple effect through their relationships, self-confidence, career, stress-management and even impacting their leisure activities.

The ‘Gift of a Fresh Start’ is helping you or your loved one to actually follow through with your goals, not just setting them and then letting time slip by without achieving anything. When you book in for your 12 Week Boot Camp or Personal Training Package you are making the commitment and creating the accountability and giving yourself the support that you need to actually (sometimes finally!) get results!

How To Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet

By | Boot Camps, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Training, Uncategorized | No Comments

We hope you are having a wonderful week end and are staying on track towards achieving your goals!

With 2018 just around the corner it is a great time to stop and reflect on how far you have come this year, and look ahead to decide what you would like to achieve in the next year.

How can you make 2018 your best year yet?

We always like to review our goals around this time of year, before the craziness of the Christmas / New Year dawn upon us!

That way when the ‘New Year’ rolls around, you are already clear on what you would like to achieve, and what changes you would like to make in the year to come (and even put things in place to make it easy to stick to).

That way you make sure that you start the year off on the right track!

So we invite you to reflect and look forward too:

1. What have you loved about this year 2017?

2. What are 5 things you are grateful for that this year has brought?

3. How have you progressed forward this year? (even in the smallest of ways)

4. Looking back to your goals from the beginning of the year, how have you not progressed as far as you would have liked to? (honestly and with kindness to yourself)

5. What lessons have you learnt this year, and how have you evolved and grown?

6. What are 3 things you can do now to get you closer to your goals before 2017 finishes?

7. What would you like to achieve or change about your life in 2018 and how can you set yourself up to start the year off well?

8. What are 10 things that you need to put in place in the New Year, and how can you make it easier for yourself to make sure that the year flows forward with momentum and you actually make the changes that you set out to achieve?


There are no right or wrong answers, and every person has different aspirations — But the one thing that is proven that we all have in common as human beings is that we are happier when we are working towards a worthwhile goal or something that is important to us, rather than just drifting aimlessly along 🙂

There is nothing like the feeling of satisfaction when we achieve what we set out to achieve!

Feel free to share with us in the comments below.


If you would like to start the right year off on the ‘right foot’ we would love you to join us in our January Boot Camp and keep up the momentum towards achieving your goals and make 2018 your best year yet!

(Click Here for the Details)

3 Easy & Delicious Ways to Sneak More Veggies into Your Diet

By | Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Recipes | No Comments

Recently we have had to come up with more ways to sneak healthy veggies into our diet… Usually a big fan of fresh green salads and raw veggies, recently during the first trimester of my pregnancy I (Carlie) have gone completely off these types of foods and been craving more starchy, carby, type of foods (like many other pregnant mama’s commonly do!)

Combine this with coming up with creative ways for our almost-two-year old daughter to enjoy more veggies and a wide variety of foods, and we have been putting our creativity to the test.

We will add the full recipes to the Members Area however here are three SUPER EASY and QUICK ways you can ‘sneak’ more veggies into your diet if you find yourself (or children) in the same predicament.

1. Green Pancakes

These were an easy addition to our usual Banana Pancakes Recipe, and our daughter absolutely LOVES them 🙂

Simply add a handful of fresh baby spinach leaves to your blender when blending up the wet mixture of your Banana Pancakes and you won’t even taste them!

(Quick Version of the recipe: Throw a couple of Ripe Bananas, Handful of Baby Spinach Leaves, 1-2 Free Range Eggs and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil into your blender / food processor and blitz until completely smooth. Then pour into a bowl and mix in the dry Gluten Free Self Raising Flour of your choosing and stir to desired consistency, then pop on the saucepan with extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil and cook! TIP: To make vegan (or if you run out of eggs like we recently did!) substitute the eggs for a few scoops of Chia Seeds instead. These were DELICIOUS! Serve with butter and raw honey 🙂 Enjoy!)

2. Green Smoothie

This is an oldie but a goodie. These days with all of the high powered blenders on the market (like the Vitamix or a Nutribullet or similar) it is easy to throw all kinds of veggies into your smoothie and you literally won’t even taste them. Like even carrots and harder vegetables which normally wouldn’t blend. (Gone are the days of chunky bits hanging around Thank God!). Taste-test your blends and if you need to, add more honey to sweeten or to make creamy add in unhulled Tahini or organic pure peanut butter etc.

(Quick Recipe: Add 1 banana, 1 handful of baby spinach leaves, 1/2 Tray of Ice, 1 Scoop Purest on the Planet Protein Powder, 1/2 Tsp Super Greens Powder, 1 Scoop Cacao, 1 Tbs Organic Unhulled Tahini & 1 Tbs Raw Honey or more if preferred, add water to just below top of contents to keep it a nice consistency. Blitz and Blend until smooth + Enjoy! 🙂

3. Smooth Veggie Scrambled Eggs

This one is another one of our daughter Skyla’s favourites. Throw a couple of eggs in the blender, along with what ever veggies you fancy (for example, a handful of baby spinach leaves, a few mushrooms, tomato, zucchini, fresh herbs, etc). Blitz until absolutely smooth with no chunks. Pour into the saucepan and either scramble up or just sit with the lid on at a low heat and cook like a soufflé. Serve with sprinkling of Pink Himalayan sea salt and cracked pepper. This magical recipe completely disguises all of the vegetables and tastes delicious!

We are in the process of filming more recipe vids which we will add to the Members Area shortly so stay tuned!

Feel free to share this post with any other fussy vegetable eaters (or their Mummies and Daddies! 😉

Do you have any delicious recipes to share? If so make sure you leave us a comment below.

Have a wonderful day and we will see you soon,



Delicious Mango Smoothie Recipe

By | Inspiration, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Recipes, Training, Uncategorized | No Comments

We are so excited that Summer is on it’s way and it’s almost time for all of the delicious summer fruits like MANGOS to become in season again!

The last week every day we have been whipping up one of these delicious mango smoothies every afternoon and we had to share this recipe with you.

As always, have fun and experiment with your recipes and you can change to suit your own requirements:


1-2 Frozen Bananas

Cup or so of Frozen Mango

2 Scoops Purest on the Planet ‘Natural’ Flavour Protein

Tray of Ice


Honey to taste


Put it all in the blender, (make sure you use a high powered blender to make it smooth and creamy, we use a Vitamix) only fill the water to just below the top of the mix to make sure it’s nice and thick and creamy and not too watery. (TIP: Add the honey while it is blending to make sure it mixes in smoothly and doesn’t stick to the sides of the blender).


We are excited to see you all who are joining our SPRING SUMMER BOOT CAMP and YOGA starting back next week!!

Boot Camp is pretty much totally booked out and we are just finalising the LAST PLACES for Yoga, so if you haven’t booked your place yet or you have a friend or family member who has been thinking about joining us, now is the absolute last chance before registration closes tomorrow!

Have a wonderful weekend,


PS. Besides being delicious, here are 10 More Reasons To Enjoy Mangos:

3 Tips For Staying On Track To Achieving Your Goals By The End Of The Year

By | Boot Camps, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Personal Training, Training, Uncategorized, Yoga | No Comments


When September rolls around each year many are often scratching their heads saying “Where has this year gone?” and realising that the year is almost over. We have exactly 16 weeks left of 2017, so how do you make the most of the end of the year to stay motivated and achieve those goals or new years resolutions you set back in January?

1. Meal Prep is Key — Preparing for the week ahead is so important to make sure you stay on track. Many people become unstuck throughout the week as they become so busy with work and family commitments and their nutrition comes in last on the priority list. Make it easy for yourself by planning out your meals and snacks ahead of time so that during the week that part of your life can flow on ‘auto-pilot’ and be one less thing you need to worry about. Stay tuned for more tips in the coming weeks on Meal Prep as it is one of the keys to getting results.

2. Keep Your Workouts Achievable — We need to be realistic when planning out our weekly workouts to prevent burnout and fatigue. You may have all of the best intentions of training 5 days a week, when in reality you may only need to do your daily morning activations and train at the right intensity twice per week and maintain your nutrition. There is nothing worse then the feeling of not achieving your goals, so make sure you are realistic when planning out your sessions. We have had many clients over the years get better results in 2 sessions per week with us, then they were getting for years by training 5-6 days per week by themselves at the gym. (Or feeling guilty 5-6 days per week for doing nothing and/or paying for gym memberships they weren’t even using! 😉

3. Train for a healthy mind as much as a healthy body — So many of our clients particularly at Boot Camp say that they enjoy it as much for their mind as they do for their body, and that the weekly sessions become an integral part of their mental health “stress relief” for the week. We personally also train as much (if not, more!) for the benefits to our mind as well as keeping our body fit. When you train, you are not only healthier, but you are happier and when you make this connection, you enjoy training so much more and look forward to it each week.

A big congratulations to all who have finished our 12 Week Winter Boot Camp last week – Winter is always the hardest time to stay motivated and has been a challenge for many to stay consistent. The great news is that now you will be leaps and bounds ahead, powering into summer with the results and momentum you have gained.

We hope that you have an amazing week and always remember we are here for you to help you so let us know if you need any extra help, motivation or support.

Our Cornubia Spring / Summer Boot Camp and Yoga are already over half full and are booking out fast – the Early Bird Special finishes this week Friday 15th September, so if you haven’t reserved your spot yet and have been thinking about joining us, get in touch now so that you don’t miss out.

Rocket, Haloumi, and Watermelon Salad

By | Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Recipes | No Comments

Rocket, Haloumi, and Watermelon Salad
Serves 4
Most great fruits like watermelon are in season through summer, so make the most of them with this simple rocket salad with watermelon or your favorite fruit, almonds and grilled haloumi.

2 tablespoons of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
120g haloumi cheese, sliced into 1cm-thick pieces
250g fresh rocket leaves
1 cup of fresh fruit (mango, watermelon etc)
½ cup almonds, chopped
2 individual shallots, peeled, thinly sliced
3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar

1 teaspoon Cajun Seasoning

Place oil in a fry pan over medium-high heat. Cook the haloumi for 1-2 minutes each side until golden brown. Transfer to a plate and slice each piece into three. Cover haloumi with foil and keep warm.

Place the rocket, sliced fruit, almonds and shallots in a large bowl. Add haloumi and gently mix the salad together. Drizzle dressing and Cajun seasoning over the salad and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Any Leftover haloumi is best stored in an airtight container in the fridge and used within 7 days.

What’s Your Turning Point?

By | Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Training, Uncategorized | No Comments

One of the things about having our Personal Training Studio situated on a busy main road… is that often people have to pass us twice a day to get to and from work.

So many times over the last 10 or so years when our clients first start training with us, they say “I have been driving past your studio thinking I really should give you a call for 2-3-4-5 years now!”

We are always fascinated to ask: “What was the turning point?”

What was the deciding factor that made them say “THAT’S IT! I’m going to take action NOW!”

Often it is nothing major… they just wake up one day and the time is right. Or rather, they are sick of doing nothing and can’t stand not to for one minute longer!!

Have you ever felt like this?

Are you waiting for a trigger to spur you into action?

Maybe you go try on some new clothes and catch your full reflection and realise that there are a few extra layers of unwanted body fat lurching around…

Maybe you go to put on your favourite pair of jeans and realise you can’t squeeze into them anymore…

Or maybe like many, many before you wake up and it’s SPRING / SUMMER time and it’s time to peel back the winter layers and you get a bit of a shock!!

What ever the turning point is, although it is usually uncomfortable, it is a vital part of achieving your goals.

Almost everyone has a ‘threshold’… For example, for some people it’s 2-3 kilos and they feel uncomfortable. For many it’s 5 kilos. For many more it’s the 10 kilo mark… and then above and beyond until they feel uncomfortable.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, it is about what YOU feel like within your own skin.

You want to feel healthy, vibrant, energetic and within a healthy weight range for your body.

And when you don’t, how long are you going to live in denial for before you take action???

So if this post resonates with you, we challenge you: Do something TODAY that you will thank yourself for TOMORROW. Go for a walk / jog… Do a mini home circuit of pushups, squats, crunches, or walking lunges… Drink lots of fresh water to cleanse your system… Chuck out or give away all of the junk food in your pantry. Do something to break the habits you have gotten into, and start to create new, empowering ones so that you feel great again.

And if you would like professional help to achieve your goals faster and within a specific time frame, give us a call now as that is what we specialize in. We would love to help you and we are always here for you to help you achieve your goals!

Always remember, the decisions we make have a ripple effect in our entire life.

When we choose to make healthier choices, our lives keep getting better and better… And when we don’t, it is very easy to fall down the ‘downward spiral’…

All it takes is one decision to change your life.


Want to fast track your results? Registration has just opened for our SPRING / SUMMER BOOT CAMP and YOGA —> Click below to find out more and save your spot while there are still places available.



Thai Beef Salad

By | Inspiration, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Recipes, Uncategorized | No Comments

Thai Beef Salad

Thai beef salad

Serves 4


400g lean rump, or fillet of beef
Extra Virgin Coconut or Olive Oil
Dressing Juice of 2 limes (or 1/3 cup of lemon juice)
1 tablespoon brown sugar dissolved in 1 tablespoon boiling water
2 tablespoons Thai fish sauce
1 red chilli, seeded and finely chopped
1 tablespoon chopped mint
1 tablespoon chopped coriander

6 lettuce leaves, shredded
2 tomatoes, cut into wedges
1 small cucumber, sliced
1 small red onion, finely sliced into rings
2 radishes, thinly sliced
8 mint leaves
8 coriander leaves
Red chilli, seeded and finely chopped (optional)


Grill or pan-fry (in a non-stick pan wiped with a little oil) the beef rare. Cool and slice thinly. Combine dressing ingredients and pour over the beef. Mix salad ingredients together. Top with beef and dressing. Serve immediately.